You heard of Boom Club, right? Yeah, you have but do you know what it is? You do?That’s cool. Oh, you don’t? haha well, have you got a pen?

Boom Club is about blasting Bassline and kickin’ a ball about in a parking lot before filming skiing on a fisheye. A group built on a passion for skiing, UKG and good vibes.

Since our first Video was released in only Oct. 2022, the club has come so far. From signing some of the world's most influential skiers to dropping what could possibly be the best UKG & Bassline Mixes in skiing. One might wonder what Boom Club won’t do. We might even do it all..

Primarily we are a Ski Film Crew, any profits we may eventually one day potentially make will go back into skiing to produce more entertainment for you. However, we don’t just film ourselves one of Boom Club's core beliefs is that we appreciate all good skiing and feature everything we think is sick in our videos. Basically big crews get Boom Club randy.

We have been known to hold events mostly so TommyT gets the chance to hold a microphone but also because we have ended up in a fortunate enough position to be able to create sick things while skiing and we want to share it and use it to inspire others to do the same. We want it to be slightly less serious because it can be, and so that's what Boom Club is about.

Resident Members:

Gavin Rudy

Jasper Klein

Chris McCormick

Cameron Waddell

Ben Barclay

Ryan Stevenson

Billy Cockerell

Dane Kirk

Miguel Porteous

Matt McCormick

Peter Raich

Harris Booth


Tom Greenway, Felix Klein, & Nico Porteous